Figs poached in Galliano

07 Apr

Ahhh figs! You like em, I like em – We all like em! Right now (for the Aussies at least) they are in season, and at their most spectacular awesomeness. You may have remembered me talking the other day about dessert wine, figs, chocolate and mascarpone cheese? Well it was a little ironic that the girls turned up with figs, as I had some in the fridge already! And tonight was their night to shine.

[  SERVES: 4  |  TIME: 15 MIN  |  COST: <$5 – 8  ]
[  JOES’ RATING: 4/5  |  MY RATING:  4/5 |  BRITTANYS’ RATING:  2.5/5]


4 fresh figs
1 cup galliano liqueur (we used vanilla flavoured galliano)
4 scoops ice cream
2 star anise
toasted pine nuts to garnish


  1. Cut a X shape into the bottom of each fig that goes about half way into the fig.
  2. In a very small saucepan, carefully place the figs so they are sitting up. Pour in the liqueur and add the star anise. Put it on a moderate heat – You want to achieve a rolling simmer, not a rapid boil.
  3. When the liquid has reduced by about a half and started to thicken, remove from heat.
  4. Serve with a little ice cream, and a drizzle of reduced galliano sauce. Garnish and devour immediately.


  • O. M. G!! That is one dessert that we will remember for quite some time! Joe and I loved it, but the galliano flavour was a bit much for Brittany.
  • It is rich, so be warned. The ice cream helps to cut back some of the intensity. It could also be served with some vanilla infused ricotta or mascarpone cheese.
  • Diabetic note: To be honest, I haven’t looked. I am going to assume that the galliano is very high in sugars as it is a liqueur. As a result, I just had a small drizzle, and a tiny bit of ice cream. It is definitely a treat food, rather than a staple. Enjoy it by all means, (and please, take my guilt……. I’ve got enough for two!)
  • Ethical Note: Please know the source of your produce. Shop locally where possible, and avoid the nasty supermarket chains!


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5 responses to “Figs poached in Galliano

  1. TerrifiedTastebud

    April 7, 2012 at 12:42 pm

    This is absolutely gorgeous!!

    • mizrhi

      April 7, 2012 at 12:50 pm

      It tasted amazing. I bought more figs yesterday… guess what I’m gonna do for guests in a few days time? I also got some ricotta and some mascarpone. I’m going to experiment with flavours 🙂

  2. narf77

    April 7, 2012 at 4:57 pm

    My figs never get to this stage because I always eat them before I can cook them 😦


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